Soon is an automated cryptocurrency investing tool that uses dollar-cost averaging and diversification to provide a responsible investment approach. With flexible investment options starting from $300/month, users can potentially earn a return based on historical user data, although future performance is not guaranteed. Soon automates all aspects of investing, including portfolio management, transfers, and taxes. It also provides a secure and ethical investment experience and shields users from the negative side of short-term volatility while taking advantage of potential gains.
What is this for?
Soon app is an automated cryptocurrency investing tool that uses dollar-cost averaging and diversification to provide a responsible investment approach. It automates all aspects of investing, including portfolio management, transfers, and taxes.
Who is this for?
Soon app is designed for individuals interested in investing in cryptocurrency but may not have the time or expertise to actively manage their investments. It caters to users of all experience levels who want a stress-free and automated approach to crypto investing.
Best Features
- Automated investing using dollar-cost averaging and diversification
- Flexible investment options starting from $300/month
- Secure and ethical investment experience with potential for returns based on historical user data